LeadingEdgeIndexed - extract leading edge genes from FgseaList results, return a new embedded list of named modules, indexed by celltype
LeadingEdgeIndexed - extract leading edge genes from FgseaList results, return a new embedded list of named modules, indexed by celltype
- gsea.result.list
results from FgseaList or RunFgseaOnRankList
- padj.threshold
within each cell type return list of leading edge genes with padj less than this parameter value.
embedded list - each list level 1 indexed by cell type, contains a new list level 2, the leading edge genes from the gsea results filtered by padj.
if (FALSE) {
t1hvl_rank = GetRankResultsRaw(limma.fit.object.list = ebf,
coefficient.number = 1,
contrast.name = "time_1_highvslow")
gsea = FgseaList(rank.list.celltype = t1hvl_rank)
celltype.indexed.modules.leadingedge = LeadingEdgeIndexed(gsea, 0.05)