FgseaList - wrapper around fast gene set enrichment analysis with the fgsea R package https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/fgsea.html to implement on a list of ranks indexec by cell type.
FgseaList - wrapper around fast gene set enrichment analysis with the fgsea R package https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/fgsea.html to implement on a list of ranks indexec by cell type.
- rank.list.celltype
results returned by GetRankResultsRaw or GetRankResults
- pathways
modules / gene sets as a named list each a single vector of unique gene IDS
- maxSize
see fgsea package
- minSize
see fgsea package
if (FALSE) {
t1hvl_rank = GetRankResultsRaw(limma.fit.object.list = dreamfit,
coefficient.number = 1,
contrast.name = "contrastName")
pparam = SnowParam(workers = 4, type = "SOCK", progressbar = TRUE)
gsealist = FgseaList(rank.list.celltype = t1hvl_rank, pathways = btm, BPPARAM = pparam)
# usage: