calc_avg_module_zscore - calculate average module z score of list of modules on a PseudobulkList This is equivalent to the average z score method used in in Kotliarov et. al. Nature Med 2020 zscore is calculated across both genes and samples it is adopted below to run on 'pseudobulk lists' (average "averagemetacell.list" or pseudobulk list created by PseudobulkList) this small wrapper is called by the AverageSampleModuleZscore. calculate signature score for each cell type, BTM, Subject function input = named list of modules, dataframe with subject as rows genes as columns
calc_avg_module_zscore - calculate average module z score of list of modules on a PseudobulkList This is equivalent to the average z score method used in in Kotliarov et. al. Nature Med 2020 zscore is calculated across both genes and samples it is adopted below to run on 'pseudobulk lists' (average "averagemetacell.list" or pseudobulk list created by PseudobulkList) this small wrapper is called by the AverageSampleModuleZscore. calculate signature score for each cell type, BTM, Subject function input = named list of modules, dataframe with subject as rows genes as columns