SCMixedPoisson - Fit a gene level Poisson count mixed generalized linear model.
SCMixedPoisson - Fit a gene level Poisson count mixed generalized linear model.
model_formula = "gene ~ offset(log(nUMI)) + timepoint + (1|subjectid)",
test_variable = NULL,
covariate_variables = NULL,
celltype_genes_test = NULL,
- gene_data
matrix of raw single cell UMI counts genes as COLUMNS and cells as ROWS; i.e. a transpose t() of Bioconductor or Seurat slots if genes_test is specified, columns must contain all genes from genes_test i.e. umi_matrix = t(seurat_raw_counts[unique(unlist((genes_test)), ])
- metadata
metadata for each cell used for fitting model
- model_formula
example: 'gene ~ offset(log(nUMI)) + timepoint + (1|subjectid)' the 'gene~' and '(1|subjectid)' variables should be kept the same. The variable 'timepoint' can be altered to be any treatment or perturbation effect being tested. User can also specify 'covariate_variables' to make formula gene~offset(nUMI) + covariate1 + covariate2 + test_variable + (1|subjectid) automatically.
- test_variable
the column of metadata coding the perturbation variable. e.g. 'timepoint' for formula: gene ~ timepoint + (1|subjectid)'
- covariate_variables
a vector of variables in metadata to add to the model as covariates; this is only used if model_formula is NULL; otherwise speify directly
- celltype_genes_test
An R list indexed by cell type: the subset of genes to test for each cell type.
- save_path
file path to save intermediate results for each cell type.
results = SCMixedPoisson(gene_data = gene_data,
lme4metadata = meta_data,
model_formula = 'gene ~ offset(log(nUMI)) + timepoint + (1|sampleid)',
celltype_genes_test = celltype_indexed_gene_vector
#> Error in SCMixedPoisson(gene_data = gene_data, lme4metadata = meta_data, model_formula = "gene ~ offset(log(nUMI)) + timepoint + (1|sampleid)", celltype_genes_test = celltype_indexed_gene_vector): unused argument (lme4metadata = meta_data)