LeadEdgeTidySampleExprs - convert a PseudobulkList into a tidy dataframe for each sample across cell types of the leading edge genes from a gsea list
LeadEdgeTidySampleExprs - convert a PseudobulkList into a tidy dataframe for each sample across cell types of the leading edge genes from a gsea list
- av.exprs.list
object returned by `PseudobulkList` summed or average counts
- gsea.list
object returned by RunFgseaOnRankList
- padj.filter
filter for adjusted p from GSEA
- p.filter
filter for p from GSEA padj.filter must not be specified to use this option.
- NES.filter
filter for normalized enrichment score from GSEA
if (FALSE) {
av = scglmmr::PseudobulkList(rawcounts = umi,
metadata = meta,
sample_col = "sample",
celltype_col = "celltype",
avg_or_sum = 'average')
le_expr = scglmmr::LeadEdgeTidySampleExprs(av.exprs.list = av,
gsea.list = hlmk_ctm0,
padj.filter = 0.1,
NES.filter = -Inf)