BulkDesignMatrix - designmatrix for the main experiment factor - used in normalization
BulkDesignMatrix - designmatrix for the main experiment factor - used in normalization
- metadata
dataframe of meta data for cells-rows variables-columns i.e. ColData or seuratmeta.data
- sample_column
quoted character e.g. "sample" the subject level sample variable - if multiple timepoints should be subjectID_timepoint i.e. s1_0, s1_1
- variable_column
the main experiment variable of interest e.g. timepoint or if implementing custom contrasts for difference in foldchange between groups, a combined factor of group_time, e.g. pooroutcome_t0, pooroutcome_t1, goodoutcome_t0, goodoutcome_t1 additional covariates can be specified in dreamMixedModel
- pseudobulklist
the list created with PseudobulkList